To all our acting pupils. You will find below two Duologues for you to download and choose either the Junior or the Senior. These were written for you by Nathaniel and he would like you to choose to be either 'Person 1' or 'Person 2'. After you have chosen please practice your lines and try and learn them. Once you are familiar with the text ask another person in your family to read in the other Person's lines. If you would like to film just yourself doing this and send it back to us we will edit them together on a split screen as if you are acting with one of your classmates (we will mute the other person in your family who helps you). It is meant to look as if you are facetiming each other so look directly into the camera and mainly film head and shoulders. Remember to speak slowly and clearly. This is a great activity for you to enjoy doing during half term and throughout the second half of the Summer Term.
Download the poems written especially for you by Miss Janine for the Lower Juniors, Juniors, Upper Juniors & Seniors. Please take your time to read them, learn them and then perform them with feeling. If you would like to send us your video footage of your performance that would be brilliant.
This game can be played with your siblings and family and is great for improving concentration and memory. You all need to sit in a circle. The first person says "I went to the shop and I bought" they then pick an item eg "apple". So their whole sentence would go "i went to the shop and i bought an apple". The person to their left then goes "i went to the shop and I bought an apple and" they then add on their item eg "an umbrella". So their sentence would go "i went to the shop and i bought an apple and an umbrella". You then continue with this pattern going around the circle building up the number of items. See how many you can remember.
This game can be played with your siblings and family and is great for improving your expression and performance skills. You need to act out opening a present and then act out what is inside. This must be done as a mime without any words. Make sure you use big actions and facial expressions. The other participants can the guess what the present is.
Click on the attachment to download a word definition challenge created by Nathaniel
Click on the link below to complete the Italia Conti Reigate word search created by Nathaniel. Time yourself and see how quickly you can find all of the words